WHat can Bodywork
Do for you?
benefits of BOdYWORK for Our Health
A gym replacement? One minute of full body laughter is equal to the cardiovascular benefits of 10 minutes of rowing or jogging. This type of laughter can also enhance our metabolism.
Massage oxygenates the blood, improving circulation. This gets us nice and relaxed so our bodies can enter the parasympathetic nervous system which reduces stress.
A good massage session increases the Big Four - Endorphins, Dopamine, Serotonin and Oxytocin. We need these hormones and chemicals to experience pleasure, wellbeing, love and connection. Massage has the ability to reduce symptoms of depression and anxiety.

Not only does massage improve our short term memory, but the more we laugh the more balanced we become. Laughter has been shown to produce the same gamma wave brain activity produced by experienced meditators, such as Himalayan monks.
Massage has the ability to boost our immune system through increased gamma interferon. It keeps our T-cells strong and builds antibodies to fight infection and viruses.